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 Nallab, Nallab2, Nallab3, Svante and Ballan

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Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-11-22
Age : 54
Location : Sweden

Nallab, Nallab2, Nallab3, Svante and Ballan Empty
PostSubject: Nallab, Nallab2, Nallab3, Svante and Ballan   Nallab, Nallab2, Nallab3, Svante and Ballan I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 22, 2010 12:53 pm

Yes i have a lot of caracters :-)

Nallab 114 full ether
Nallab2 100 Full circle
Nallab3 90 Shadow
Svante 100 DDK
Ballan 34 Valkyrie

Other account no longer playing and they are old friend caracters

Reckless 98 Bers
------- Bers

Well i really dont remember more

I started in a guild named PuBBeN with first Ballan caracter. I hated valk from beginning so i changes fast to dragin knight. This was on etherain server before klippe existed. After transfered the caracters here to klippe i joined RTH (Road To Hell) guild. There almost only polish players there so tehre was har do read website :-) After leaving RTH, the guild almost died when guildmaster Acodin left game, therefor i left. After that i found mr shoawme and remember him as a elite, swedish and nice player and asked if i could join. This after applying to Immortals (im imbered of this but). But instead i joined Legends and when i got PM from Immos that i was welcome there i said i found Legends and will stay there. The best decision i made in this game.


Im a swedish ordinary male with wife and two kids, one cat and one old dog. Stationwagon car and live in ordinary house out in redneck country :-)

If u wanna ad me in msn its [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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