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 Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-05-26

Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D Empty
PostSubject: Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D   Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 2:01 pm

So hello everyone!
I'm the nice valky - Zakjitis!

My name is Kristiana, I'm from Latvia and I am almost 20 years old.
I study Computer systems in local university.
I have already played S.U.N. in Etherain server when it was the international server, but I stoped playing for a half of year and missed the transfer to Klippe so I started over...
I like to play computer games and read books both in english and latvian.
I am girlfriend of Priestere - we just like do things we like together and we are also complete serial fans like House, Supernatural, Big Bang theory and etc.

P.S. I have alt circle named ChubbyBunny, so if u see her running around somewhere u know it's me!

P.P.S. Zakjitis means Bunny in english albino

Oh and I added my pic!

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Posts : 18
Join date : 2010-10-13
Age : 36
Location : Bulgaria

Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D   Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2011 4:51 pm

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I understand now that you are a girl and gf of priest :X affraid Shocked Surprised
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Zakjitis - yes another latvian! :D
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