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 A dragon named Moragon

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Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-10-13

A dragon named Moragon Empty
PostSubject: A dragon named Moragon   A dragon named Moragon I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 5:15 am

Hi all,

just to give a short introduction of myself ^^

My ingame nick is Moragon, i play a DDK (lvl 108+).
I know shoa since beginning of the beta version of S.U.N. and after experiencing many disappointments with guilds, I finally decided to join Legends.
Was the best thing I ever did xD
Before I changed to DDK as main char, I also played Summon (lvl 97) and have a little circle (not playing atm).
My second main char is a lvl 90+ cursed Shadow.

To me as person:
I'm a 29 y/o female named Sabrina (yeah, even females are not only dragons at home Razz) which just have too many free time.
I play SUN a lot, like reading and love my cats. And my hubby ofc Laughing

hugs and cu,
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