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 Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu]

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Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-11-24

Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu] Empty
PostSubject: Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu]   Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu] I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 10:29 pm

Lets kick it off by starting...

I am 19years old collegue student,freshman. Aspiring kendoka,practicing kendo, manga/anime loving freak..won't go into details.
Music loving headbanger,tho I love different music. Guy who likes piercing and tattoos,if being crazy wasn't already enough.

Overall, a cool kid,tho lazy.

About game.Well,started not so long ago,but must admit,damn game is addicting and great xD

First started on Etherain server,left after one day xD

started my journey on Klippe[makes sense b/c I'm from Europe] as Engetsu until I meat KougaSaejima-san,who helped me a lot.He invited me to his guild and I gladly accepted his offer.

Next? Well,Kouga helped all RoyalGuardians to join Legends. Master Mira invited us all and all hail to her o-o Mira-chan is great.
Got side tracked..uhm...yeah

I owe Nallab bunch of money..though thanks man < 3
Kickin' mobs with Vex..more like he looks after me xD so I don't die and if I do he is there to get me back on my feet.

Handsome shoa runs around the town being sexy and helping newbies like me < 3 Much love to him.

And actually all other people are great in Legends.

All in all,All Hail Legends!
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Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-11-22
Age : 34
Location : Australia

Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu]   Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu] I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 27, 2010 1:41 pm

welcome to the forum Very Happy
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Scathing moon who lurks in the Shadows.[Engetsu]
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